* Required
Surname *
First name (s) *
Gender * FemaleMaleOther
Date of birth
Educational level and background *
Function/title *
Company/Employer *
Sector * BankingInsuranceTrustInvestment InstitutionAsset ManagementFund AdministrationOther
Telephone number *
Personal email address *
Additional email address *
ACCUR member since (year) *
Permission to take and use photos * I grant permission/give consent to ACCUR to take photos during events I attend and use these photographs/images on the socials (e.g. LinkedIn and Facebook), website and marketing material of ACCUR.I do not grant permission/do not give consent to ACCUR to take photos during events I attend and use these photographs/images on the socials (e.g. LinkedIn and Facebook), website and marketing material of ACCUR.
Are you interested in participating in one of the activities committees of ACCUR or joining the Board of ACCUR * Yes, interested in joining the Activities CommitteeYes, interested in joining the BoardNoMaybe
With acceptance of my application I herewith declare I will at all times respect the Articles of ACCUR. I have never been convicted of a crime and that there is no criminal charge pending against me. Furthermore I declare the above provided information is complete and accurate. I herewith release ACCUR and each such person from liability regarding information provided to ACCUR. I understand that any false or misleading statement I have made in connection with this application may be ground for rejection of my application or termination of my membership. I agree to the above conditions.
I agree to the above conditions and payment of the membership fee of 250 ANG per year.*
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